January 17th


  1. Advisor
  2. Announcements
  3. New officer nominations
  4. Other positions
  5. Logging Sports
  6. SAF workday
  7. Planting
  8. Bean feed date
  9. Merchandise
  10. Introductions


Topic 1: Advisor

  • We need a new faculty advisor for club. We discussed asking people but I have now been told that this is something that the department will be doing for us

Topic 2: Announcements

  • Spencer talked about a project called branch out which plants redwood trees. For more information go to the websitebranchoutnow.org or ask Spencer about it.
  • Kathie is trying to put together a female forestry discussion panel which people expressed interest in.
  • Julia reminded everyone to write articles for timber

Topic 3: Officer Nominations

President: Amanda Ma, Ben R

VP: Katie, Spencer, Giselle

Treasurer: Camila

Secretary: Alegra, Ross

I will send out another email about officer nominations to collect additional nominations

Topic 4: Other positions

Been Feed coordinator




Senior BBQ

These are volunteer positions and we will be taking volunteers next meeting

Topic 5: Logging Sports

  • The logging sports team uses saws and axes to cut large pieces of wood into smaller pieces of wood in a competitive fashion. We also throw logs and run over logs. The captains of the team are Alegra Garcia, Jacob Levine and Lewis Campbell. We have 3 competitions coming up soon in February and March.
  • Our practices are on Sunday mornings from 10-2 at our practice site at Russel research station. If you don’t have a car that’s fine we send out a ride sign-up sheet every week for people who can’t drive there themselves.
  • For more information and to join our listserve where you will get emails about practices, rides and competitions emailbuckingbears@gmail.com
  • We have a workday to clean up the site on January 27th

Topic 6: SAF

  • The local chapter of SAF is having a workday at the Russel field site on January 27th so everybody should go to Russel on Saturday January 27th to help out both SAF and Logging Sports team.

Topic 7: Planting              

  • We have someone coming in next week to talk to us about planting native species on tightwad hill. We did a similar project last year and this will be an extension of that.

Topic 8: Bean Feed date

  • The first bean feed will probably be in February while we are still working on getting a new faculty club advisor.

Topic 9: Merchandise

  • We need more hats and more stickers and club approved the purchase of these items so we will order more

Topic 10: Introductions


  • We all introduced ourselves
Wednesday, January 17, 2018