October 1st, 2014


  • Next Bean Feed?
  • SAF Updates
  • Closet Cleaning Party
  • Officer Announcements

Meeting Discussion

Bean Feed 

So, when should we have the next bean feed? We usually have a joint bean feed with the Bay Area SAF chapter at least once per semester. How about:

  1. SAF Bay Area bean feed in November
  2. Halloween bean feed on Thursday, October 30th(dress up encouraged)

SAF Updates

  • If  you don’t have your flight info, email Hannah or Maddy ASAP
  • Schedule of events will be sent out!
  • Rooms are assigned, email will be sent out
  • Bart to the airport!

Closet Cleaning Party

  • Friday Afternoon 1-2pm
  • We need volunteers to help out! So far we have: Rhianna, Amber, Lex, Allison, Maddy, Huda (Thanks guys J)

Officer Announcements

Logging Sports

  • Cal Conclave email will be sent out, need to attend 4-5 practices to participate
  • Practice will be at Russell this Sunday!
  • If you want to join logging sports, email buckingbears@gmail.com

Yule Ball 

  • Most likely will be on the Friday of Dead Week

Christmas Tree Cut

  • If you are going to SAF, you gotta go the tree cut
  • Most likely will be on November 23rd

General Announcements

  • Next Thursday, FC 14 T-shirts will be available for purchase J