
January 31st, 2018 Minutes

Minutes - January 31, 2015


Even in the depths of a terrible cold, your faithful secretary still delivers top notch minutes right to your digital doorstep.  



January 24th

January 24, 2018


New Advisor - Jodi is the new Forestry Club advisor, congratulations Jodi


January 17th


  1. Advisor
  2. Announcements
  3. New officer nominations
  4. Other positions
  5. Logging Sports
  6. SAF workday
  7. Planting
  8. Bean feed date
  9. Merchandise
  10. Introductions


Topic 1: Advisor

  • We need a new faculty advisor for club. We discussed asking people but I have now been told that this is something that the department will be doing for us

Topic 2: Announcements

November 29th, 2017


  • Alegra -nothing
  • Kathie - besides trees which will be covered later nothing
  • Jacob - hasn't been to meeting in weeks so nothing
  • Andrew - wasn't there but if you haven't paid dues you should


Wes was at the meeting!!!


Christmas tree cut

November 1st, 2017

Meeting notes 11/1/2017



- Announcements 

- Christmas Tree Cut


- SAF Bean Feed

- Tree Chopping Rally

- Foresty Challenge

- Earth Team

- Yule Ball

October 18th, 2017

October 11th, 2017

  • T-shirts - merch

    • Not ordering any more centennial gear ever

      • That was like so 3 years ago

    • Should we order more big game shirts?

October 4th, 2017


  • Announcements
  • Beans
  • Bearclave
  • CAF
  • Questions?

Topic 1 Announcements

September 27th, 2017

  • Carmen

    • Research opportunity with Carmen in the Stephens/Battles lab!

    • You will doing dendrochronology work in order to determine how stressed a seedling needs to be in order to die

September 20th, 2017

  • Pay Dues so that you can have beans

  • SAF

    • Friday is the deadline to apply

    • November 19th - free trip to ABQ to learn about forestry


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