elizabethfernandez's blog

April 18, 2018

Minutes April 18,2018

After Ben's attendance drive over the past few days, I'm pleased to announce that attendance was boosted almost 0% this meeting! Congratulations, I knew we could do it.


April 11, 2018

Alright Clubbers I've got to be honest, I'm really running low on ideas regarding how to berate you for nonattendance.  So congratulations.  

April 4th, 2018

Minutes - April 3, 2018


Now listen clubbers,


I remember when I was young. Just like you, I frolicked around, blew off my responsibilities, and skipped club meetings. You think you're invincible eh?

March 21, 2018

is a club really a club if no one shows up to its meetings?


Ring sizes

  • Seniors get your forms to Jodi by friday, as all the rings will be shipped to her


  • Stickers are here

March 14, 2018

Minutes - March 14, 2018

March 7th, 2018

Hey Clubbers,

February 28, 2018

Attendance at our pizza party Timber writing meeting was excellent. I'm certainly glad my menacing emails are working. I briefly entertained the thought that perhaps you had only come for the free pizza, but of course you clubbers would never be so base, right?


February 21, 2018

Oh hey clubber, I didn't see you there, haha!

Oh wait a minute. That's because you weren't there


Midterms have got everyone down, so I guess that means you all think there's an excuse for attendance to go down too.

February 14th, 2018

There's nothing I love more than writing up every little detail - even the most tiny and trivial - of forestry club happenings, which is why I'm doing it on Valentine's Day, a very important holiday.


  • UCCE concert is over, it was a success

February 7th, 2018

Where was everyone today?  Who knows.  Looks like there are more slackers in club once might have initially anticipated.  


Officer Announcements

  • Katie

    • The San Jose Sharks are doing something?


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